OPWDD Supports and Services

Service Access, Self-Direction, Community Habilitation, and Family Support Services for people with developmental disabilities and their families.

  • Service Access

    We help individuals and families understand the supports and services available through the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities, and help with the process of gaining eligibility and enrolling for services.
    LEARN MORE: Service Access
  • Brokerage

    AIM’s brokers help individuals and families develop and maintain a self-directed plan and a budget for receiving OPWDD services.
    LEARN MORE: Brokerage
  • Self-Directed Services

    AIM serves as a fiscal intermediary for individuals who direct their own OPWDD services, providing administrative support that allows people to hire staff to support them and pay for the activities they participate in.
    LEARN MORE: Self-Directed Services
  • Community Habilitation

    AIM’s Direct Support Professionals work with individuals in the home and community to explore interests and develop independent living skills.
    LEARN MORE: Community Habilitation
  • Family Support Services

    AIM offers parent support groups and youth social skills programs, including monthly play groups, quarterly classes, dances and summer day camps.
    LEARN MORE: Family Support Services
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