Peer Services

Peer mentoring for people with disabilities entering the workforce, people transitioning out of nursing homes into the community, and those in recovery from addiction.

  • ACCES-VR Peer Services Program

    AIM helps ACCES-VR consumers prepare for and successfully maintain jobs in the community. We help people remove barriers to employment, understand their rights and secure reasonable accommodations.
    LEARN MORE: ACCES-VR Peer Services Program
  • Recovery Peer Advocate

    Recovery Peer Advocates combined lived experience and professional training to support the recovery of people with substance use disorders. They help to develop recovery plans, model coping strategies, and connect people to treatment and recovery services.
    LEARN MORE: Recovery Peer Advocate
  • Open Doors Peer Outreach

    The Open Doors Peer Outreach and Referral Program uses peer mentors who have transitioned from institutional settings to community living. The peer mentors share their experiences with others who are interesting in transitioning.
    LEARN MORE: Open Doors Peer Outreach
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