Contact AIM:
(607) 962-8225
(888) 962-8244 (toll-free)
Chief Executive Officer
René Snyder | Ext. 117
Chief Operations Officer, Grant Based Programs
John Zick | Ext. 116
Chief Operations Officer, Fee for Service Programs
Rhona Johnson | Ext. 228
Chief Financial Officer
Craig Ridosh | Ext. 131
Chief Human Resources Officer
Brooke Bennett | Ext. 120
Senior Director, Independent Living
Erin Morseman | Ext. 146
Quality Management Director
Jane Duprey | Ext. 125
Director of Information Technology
Lou Ciarlo | Ext. 152
Director of NHTD & TBI Waiver Programs
Rhona Johnson | Ext. 228
Director of OPWDD Services
Brandy Reynolds | Ext. 237
Director of Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP)
Sara Rockwell-Smith | Ext. 128
Director of Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
Taryn Roloson | Ext. 112
Director of Health Home and Veteran Directed Care (VDC) Programs
Abi Hodges | Ext. 135
Director of Mental Health and Recovery
Terri Colvin | Ext. 211
Director of Housing
Joanne Carlyle | Ext. 246
Community Nutrition Director
Bryce Vandewark | Ext. 163
Facilities Manager
Andy Zick | Ext. 136
Board of Directors:
Sabrina Mineo-O’Connell, President
Chris Petrillose, Vice President
Rick Johns, Secretary
Jacob Aquilio, Treasurer
Scott Stewart
Jennifer Granger
Kristen Stewart
We are seeking community members, particularly people with disabilities, to serve on our Board of Directors. We want people with diverse experiences, perspectives, skills and connections. By law, a majority of our board members must have a disability, which helps to ensure that our mission and programming are developed from a peer perspective. The board typically meets every other month, and members serve two-year terms. If you’re interested, please contact AIM’s Chief Executive Officer René Snyder.