AIM employs experienced brokers who work with individuals and their circles of support to complete both phases of their self-directed plan for OPWDD services. 

Start-up Broker (Phase one): Using a person-centered planning process, AIM brokers work with individuals and their circles of support to develop a self-directed plan. Using the person-centered planning process, the broker will meet regularly with the individual and his/her circle of support to design a plan that has identified the valued outcomes the individual seeks to achieve, the learning process they wish to use to acquire these skills, and the people who will help teach the desired skills. As part of this process, brokers also work with the individual’s circle of support to develop a budget that will fund the plan. Brokers record all information in an OPWDD-mandated format and work with the family and the Developmental Disabilities Regional Office (DDRO) to ensure the plan is submitted and approved.

Support Broker (Phase two): Once a self-directed plan is approved, families work with a support broker to maintain the plan. Brokers can help recruit, interview and train new staff. They work closely with the participant and a Medicaid care manager to ensure the plan continues to meet the participant’s needs. The broker also monitors the established budget and ensures necessary paperwork is completed in a timely manner.

For more information, contact OPWDD Brokerage Coordinator Max Birkett at (607) 962-8225, ext. 218. 

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