Mobility, Seating and Positioning

Wheelchair 16″, Wheelchair 18”, Wheelchair 20”, Wheelchair 22”, Wheelchair 24”, Tilt-in-Space Wheelchair, Transport Wheelchair, Pediatric Wheelchair 12″, Pediatric Wheelchair 14″, Electric Wheelchair, Commode Wheelchair, Electric Bed Lifting Backrest, Mesh Shower Chair w/ Wheels, Stroller-Adult, Stroller-Child, Tram-Adult, Gait Trainer-Adult, Gait Trainer-Child, Nimbo Posterior Walker, Knee Walker, Walker w/ Wheels, Walker, Bariatric Walker, Hemi Walker, Stair Walker, Walker w/ Platform Attachment, Upright Walker/Rollator, Otter Chair- Pediatric, Rollator, Bariatric Rollator, ETAC Turner, Sit-to-Stand, Sit-to-Stand Strap, Hoyer Lift w/ Sling, Trotter Scooter, 4-Prong Cane, Quad Cane, Cane, Cane- Folding w/ Rolling Tip, Crutches, Crutches w/ Arm Brace, PVC Chair- Skid Proof, Bath Lift, Kaye Stander, TriStander, Wooden Tomato Chair, Rifton Stander, Pony Walker, Adaptive Activity Chair, Donut Balls, Tumble Forms Crawler, Creepster Crawler, Pivot Disc, Transfer Board, Lift Vest, Transfer/Gait Belt, Hip chair, Tumble Form Tray, Tumble Form Half Roll, Abduction Wedge, Wheelchair Cushion, Tumble Form Mat

Daily Living 

Hip Kit, Raised Toilet Seat, Raised Toilet Seat w/ Arms, Lift Assist Commode, Commode, Bariatric Commode, Commode w/ Drop Arms, Commode Wheelchair, Safety Toilet Rail, Overbed Table, Hospital Bed Table, Handheld Shower Head, Shower Chair, Shower Chair 360 Swivel, Electric Reclining Bath Lift Chair, Bariatric Shower Chair, Shower Chair w/ Arms, Shower-Commode Chair with Wheels, Bariatric Bath Bench, Transfer Bench w/ Swivel Seat, Tub Transfer Bench, Bariatric Tub Transfer Bench, Sitz Bath, Upeasy Lift Assist, Tub Grabber, Grab Bar 12”, Grab Bar 16”, Bed Alarm, Chair Alarm, Bed Rail, Grabber- Foldable, Gyenno Utensils, Lift Ware, Adaptive Utensil Set, Spill Proof Scoop Plate, Mug w/ Snorkel Lid, Easy Hold Grip Assist, Weighted Blanket 5lb, Weighted Blanket 10lb, Weighted Blanket 15lb, Weighted Blanket 20lb, Audio Baby Monitor, Video Baby Monitor, Adult Compression Vest, Adult Weighted Vest, Pill Dispenser w/ Alarm, Pill Dispenser, Blood Pressure Cuff/ Arm, Blood Pressure Cuff Wrist, Adaptive Cutting Board, Pill Organizer, Pill Crusher/Splitter, Zipper/Button Puller, Caregiver Call Buttons/ Pager, Arthwriter Pen Ball, Tornado Can Opener, Ringed Lid Can Opener, Soft Handle/Bendable Utensil Set, Palm Peeler, Tomato Holder/ Slicer, 10lb Wrist/Ankle Weights, Wrist Splint, Back Brace, Ankle Brace, Knee Brace, Waterproof Cast Cover, Lift Vest- Adult, Step to Bed Bed Step, Slide N’ Ride Vehicle Transfer Aid, Car Handle Assist.

Environmental Adaptations

Threshold Ramp, 4’ Non-Skid Ramp, 6’ Non-Skid Ramp, 6’ Roll-A-Ramp, 8’ Non-Skid Ramp, 8’ Roll-A-Ramp, 10’ Non-Skid Ramp, 10’ Roll-A-Ramp, 12’ Non-Skid Ramp, 12’ Roll-A-Ramp, Bed Rails, Toilet Rails, Security Pole Extension, Door Alarm, Window Alarm, Wander Alarm 


Talking Photo Album, iPad w/ Proloquo2Go, Talkables, Jet LCD Writer, Text to Speak, Go Talk 32, Go Talk 20+, Dynavox, Hip Talk, Cheap Talk 4A, Super Talker, Talkables


Alarm Clock w/ Bed Shaker, Home Alerting System- Doorbell/Phone, Captel 840i, Captel 2400i, Ultratec Uniphone 1140, Big Button Phone, Phone Amplifier, Phone Flasher, Timeshaker Boom Alarm Clock, Pocket Talker, Noise Canceling Headphones, Wireless Notification System, Wireless Doorbell w/ Flashing Strobe, Fire Alarm, Large Videophone, Phone Signaler, Cell Phone Amplifier, Lamp Lighter Receiver, AlertMaster Receiver, DreamZon LightOn Cell Phone Amplifier, Cell Phone Signaler, Doorbell Push Button w/ Transmitter, Wireless Sound Monitor, Visual Alert Clock/Doorbell, Ring Elite Signaler, Ameriphone Q90D, Amplified Captioned Phone, Blinking Receiver, Alert Master, Vibrating Hip Pager, Clarity Phone, Ringer Volume Booster, Ultratec TTY, Motion Sensor, Talking Phone, Call Alert for Lamp, Sound Signaler for Lamps, Apartment Intercom Announcer, Wireless Doorbell Signaler, Speaker Phone Dialogue RC, Bed Shaker, Weather Hazard Alert Monitor/Clock 

Computers and Software

HP Laptops 14” w/ Touchscreen and Bag, HP Laptops 14” W/ Bag, Microsoft Office 365, iPad Mini w/ Case, iPad w/ Case, iPad Air w/ Case, DVD/Blue Ray Player, Dragon Naturally Speaking, C-Pen Reader, C-Pen Reader- Exam, Air Pods, Headphones with Microphone, 24” LG TV, Acer HD 15.6” Touchscreen Laptop, Dycem Roll Matting, DVD Drive, Adjustable Monitor Riser, AAC Essentials- Program for iPads, Echo Show, Echo Dot, Echo Dot Speaker, Echo Bundle, Apple Pencil, Chest Harness for iPad, Walking Harness for iPad, LiveScribe Smart Pen w/ Notebooks, IRIS Pen Air 7, Ring Alarm, Ring Alarm Kit, Smart Plug for Alexa, Apple Smart Keyboard, Ergonomic Keyboard, Wireless Mouse, PC Eye R, PC Eye Plus, PC Eye Mini Eye Gaze, Lenovo Think Pad, Zoom Text Software, Read and Write Gold, Magic Screen Magnifying Software, Big Keys Keyboard, Ergonomic Arm Rest 

Early Intervention

Weighted Blankets, Weighted Vests, Feeder Seats, Highchair, Tomato Liner, Creepster Crawler, Standers, Strollers, Sleep/Play Mats, Peanut Balls, Otter Bath Chairs, Gait Trainers, Adaptive Utensils, EazyHold Grip Assist, Baby Monitor, Scoop Rocker, Adaptive Tricycle, Balance Bike, Adaptive Switch Toys, Fidget Toys, Sensory Toys 


Signing Times DVDs, Alphasmart Dana, Alphasmart Neo, Facilitating Development Book, Legal Rights for Deaf, Therapy Center, Multisensory Motivational Center, ASL Flash Cards, You Can Sign VHS, ABS Basic Course/ ASL Book, Positioning for Play Book, Alphabet Apple Tree, Expressive Picture Vocab Test, Auditory Processing Test Kit, Spin and Sing Alphabet Zoo, Deaf And Hearing Cultural Differences DVD, Deaf Mental Health Care Book, A to Z: ABC Stories in ASL, Talking Graphing Calculator, Recorder, Fish Play Mat, Vibrating Rabbit, Trucks Set, Fidget Kit, Activity Center, Bead Chain in Box, Music Jam Play Mat, Vibrating Pillows Set, Sensory Kit, ADL Boards Set, Illuminated Gel Board, Ocean wave Light Projector, VI Shapes Puzzle w/ Braille, Peds Cutlery Set, Weighted Vest (Extra Small, Small, Medium or Large), Compression Vest (Extra Small, Small, Medium or Large), Pet Vet Toy, Number Counting Wood Block Puzzle, Shape Sorting Toy Garage, Feeder Seat Positioner- Children, Shapes Beanbags, Pediatric Utensils- Bendable, EazyHold Aid, Adaptive Switch, Butterfly Toy- Adaptive, Squeeze Ball, Drum- Switch Adapted, Tumble Forms Seat with Wedge, Tomato Chair 

Recreation, Sports and Leisure

Gel Pens, Scoop Rocker, Balance Bike, Bike Helmet, Exercise Floor Peddler, Sing and Swing Olaf, Platform Swing, Adaptive Tricycle, Peppa Pig Hug and Oink, Wrong Game, Card Holder, Card Shuffler, Baby Airplane Toy, Music Box, Puzzles, Braille Bingo, Braille Uno, Braille Playing Cards, Seek and Sound, Sit and Spin, Tactile Dice, Robot Toy, Crab Toy, Truck Toy, Scooter Board, Musical Top, Dalmatian Toy, Sorting Blocks, Whistle Kit, Gym Spin, Bead and Chain Mirror, Bean Bags, Piglet, Dr. Seuss See and Say, ASL Bingo Board, Book Holder, Clock Toy, Cow Toy, Exer-Rider, Wooden Balancer, Leap Frog Learning Drum 

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