AIM’s SNAP Outreach Program provides eligibility screening as well as application and recertification assistance for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
SNAP is a national program designed to alleviate hunger and food insecurity. SNAP benefits are intended to increase the access of eligible low-income households to a nutritious diet, thereby improving their health and well-being.
AIM’s SNAP Outreach Program serves residents of Chemung, Steuben and Schuyler counties.
Our SNAP Outreach Specialist screens potential applicants for eligibility, and helps them make an informed decision on whether to apply for benefits.
AIM also helps individuals and families complete and submit their application to their county’s Department of Social Services. This includes assistance in obtaining and completing the documents needed to verify eligibility.
Those who qualify for SNAP benefits receive an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card to help them buy groceries.
AIM can also help people who are already enrolled in SNAP with the process of recertifying their eligibility.
This free service is provided to the community through a Targeted Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Outreach Program (T-SNAP) grant from the United States Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Services Agency (USDA-FNS), administered by the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA).
AIM’s Outreach Specialist is based at our Community Nutrition Program food pantry, located at 1206 S. Main St., Elmira, and provides services at many community locations.
To make an appointment, call SNAP Outreach Specialist Joe Coffey at (607) 962-8225, ext. 232.
AIM SNAP Outreach Program flier
To read the USDA Nondiscrimination Statement for SNAP, click here.