NY Connects links people to a wide array of long-term supports and services to help them live independently.

AIM provides NY Connects services in Chemung, Livingston, Schuyler and Steuben counties in partnership with the offices for the aging in those counties, and as part of the statewide NY Connects network.

We have a coordinator and two specialists on our NY Connects team who provide free, unbiased information and personalized counseling on long-term supports and services for seniors and people of all ages with any type of disability. We’re also a resource for caregivers and helping professionals.

Our specialists provide information on public benefits, home care, accessible transportation, assistive equipment and technology, caregiver supports, home-delivered meal programs, health insurance and respite.

They can also help people access intellectual and developmental disability supports, behavioral health supports, social supports, health and wellness programs, education and counseling.

For more information or to schedule a free appointment, contact NY Connects Coordinator Bob Benz at (607) 962-8225, ext. 154.

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